The main purpose of your roof company's website is do more than just introduce you to customers and state your message – a roofing company website should also generate leads and then convert them.

A great looking site for roofers means nothing if it doesn’t turn visitors into actual sales.

That’s why it’s so important to understand the way lead generation marketing works and have a good strategy for getting and converting leads.

What Is The Intent of Lead Generation?

Lead generation for roofers doesn’t stop with organic search.

It has to be effective enough to draw in users most likely to convert and then help them to actually do so.

Consider these critical lead-converting elements when planning your roof company's marketing strategy so your marketing dollar works harder at getting you more roofing business!

Use Landing Pages to Generate Leads

Among all the ways to generate organic leads to your roof company website, landing pages are highly effective in every way.

These mini-website pages can be tailored to specific roofing keywords and audiences so they show up in organic search more frequently than your main roof company website does.

Home and Services pages serve a purpose for roofing companies; however, they seldom if ever make a sale.

Instead, landing pages are a prime marketing tool used by lead generation marketing for roofers to attract high-quality leads to your company's roofing website.

Of course, it's important to understand that once users have clicked in, it’s up to your roofing website to take those leads and turn them into actual conversions.

Convert Those Leads With Effective Website Design

Getting a user to your roofing website with a great lead generating landing page is only half the battle.

You also need those leads to convert, so your lead generation strategy campaign for roof companies must address how well your roofing website convinces interested users to commit all the way.

Some of the critical website elements that promote lead conversion once your landing page has generated those leads and brought users to the site include:

  • Conversion-Focused Design - Short-but-concise roofing product or services pages that get right to the point, utilize consistent messaging, and include headlines that direct a user to where they can make a purchase is the right way to a solution.

  • Optimized User-Friendly Design – Pages about your roofing company should load quickly, include optimized images and media plus other elements of conversion-focused design and have an easy navigation system that won’t cause users to get lost and forget what they came to do in the first place.

  • Obvious and Clear CTAs - CTAs or Call to Actions must be easily found on your roof company landing pages and web pages alike using unique design and clear messages that prompt action so there is no question about what they should do to keep moving through the website.

  • Easy Forms and Email Submission - If conversion involves filling out a form or submitting an email address, your roofing company website should contain short, clear, and simple-to-use forms that work correctly and make submitting information easy.

  • Trust Signs and Social Proof - Social proof in the form of customer reviews and testimonials and trust signs like encryption, certifications, and others are critical elements that positively impact conversion rates as well as give users a reason to trust your roofing company and feel comfortable converting.

  • Engaging, Informative, Helpful Content - Besides the landing pages and conversion pages, include information users want to see about your roof company including an About page, easy contact information, and a blog for delivering interesting and informative posts about topics your target users will relate to.

Turn Your Website Into A Lead Converting Machine

A website that doesn’t convert leads is one that is not helping your business succeed and grow.

Turn yours into a conversion machine using effective lead generation strategy services that begin with effective, optimized landing pages and finish with a website that uses successful lead generating techniques.

In doing so, your roof company landing pages will attract users who are most interested in what you have to offer them and will easily continue their journey to utilize your roofing services!

Want Help With Lead Generation for Roofers in College Station Texas?

Marketing Heroes Are Pros At Lead Generation and Conversion!

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