The biggest request that most roofers investing in their SEO and digital marketing have is that they simply want more leads.

Effective SEO services will get them more leads over time, but there are also a few other ways for roofers to get more work that many may not realize.

Sometimes, these leads are even the equivalent of low hanging fruit on the tree that is ripe for the picking!

The best SEO help a roofer can get is the help they give themselves by working better, not harder, and circling back to land those accessible leads.

What Are Low Hanging Leads?

Low hanging leads are essentially those that already exist from other SEO marketing efforts, but have either failed to convert or have already converted and can be converted again.

They are ripe for the picking in many cases because a relationship has already been established, yet the problem is that many roofers forget they are even there!

These can be some of the easiest leads to capture and creatively turn into new sales.

Implementing the 4 R Marketing System to Make More Sales

Marketing research suggests that past customers who are happy with their purchase are eight times more likely to buy again in comparison to brand new leads.

Based on this theory, any roofer should be able to go back to the leads they have already gained via their investment in SEO services and turn them into repeat customers.


Through reselling, which is one of the important 4 Rs of successful online marketing.

What Leads Can Be Used Again?

In this week’s 4-minute roofer’s marketing video, Chris from identifies which leads comprise those pieces of low hanging fruit that can be picked again and how roofers can track all of their leads better for future picking.

Get More From SEO Services By Picking That Low Hanging Fruit

The easiest leads for any roofer to gain are the ones that are more likely to convert.

While new, active, high-quality leads attracted through SEO marketing efforts are always sought, many contractors are overlooking another source of sales right within their own customer base.

Learn from Chris how roofers can re-market to previous customers, ask for reviews, or even enroll customers in a referral program, and the many ways in which it can be done to pluck those low hanging leads today.

For SEO help and more information about the 4 Rs of digital marketing, click here for a free copy of Chris’ book "The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Roofers” or schedule a free marketing call with him to discuss your digital marketing challenges!

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